Glasba za dobro jutro: David Bowie, Heroes

Konec sedemdesetih. Weltschmerz. Junak za vsaj en dan.

12. september 2013 20.27

Predstavljajte si moža v oprijetem kombinezonu in z globokim izrezom. V bistvu nepremično stoji, čeprav se – niti ne po ritmu – počasi in skoraj neopazno maje sem in tja. V temi je, direktno za njim pa reflektor, ki vsake toliko poblisne v kamero med njegovimi nogami. Enkrat si gre s prsti skozi kratko pristrižene svetle lase. Mož poje, glasba se stopnjuje. Poje o junakih. Junakih za en dan. In hkrati z glasom se na njegovem obrazu stopnjuje tudi Weltschmerz. Zgleda nesrečen.

David Bowie: Heroes (1977).

I will be king
And you
You will be queen
Though nothing will
Drive them away
We can beat them
Just for one day
We can be Heroes
Just for one day

And you
You can be mean
And I
I'll drink all the time
'Cause we're lovers
And that is a fact
Yes we're lovers
And that is that

Though nothing
Will keep us together
We could steal time
Just for one day
We can be Heroes
For ever and ever
What d'you say

I wish you could swim
Like the dolphins
Like dolphins can swim
Though nothing
Will keep us together
We can beat them
For ever and ever
Oh we can be Heroes
Just for one day

I will be king
And you
You will be queen
Though nothing
Will drive them away
We can be Heroes
Just for one day
We can be us
Just for one day

I can remember
By the wall
And the guns
Shot above our heads
And we kissed
As though nothing could fall
And the shame
Was on the other side
Oh we can beat them
For ever and ever
Then we can be Heroes
Just for one day

We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
We can be Heroes
Just for one day
We can be Heroes
We're nothing
And nothing will help us
Maybe we're lying
Then you better not stay
But we could be safer
Just for one day